Born in Glenmora, LA on May 26, 1933 passed away on April 7, 2021. She was a charter member of Harmony Baptist Church in Glenmora and a member of Lanier Baptist Church in Baton Rouge. She was a teacher in Baton Rouge for over 30 years. She is survived by daughter Marque (husband Jeff Smith), granddaughter Maisie (husband Nick Lovett), great granddaughters (Azariah and Aliah), and siblings Bonnie Marshall, Jack Stokeld, Jerry Stokeld (wife June), five nieces and nephews, nine great nieces and nephews, one great great nephew. Preceded in death by husband Odell Smith, in-laws John Marshall and Betty Stokeld, niece Dianne Davis, parents Thelma and C.R. (Jack) Stokeld. Pallbearers are John Marshall, Mitchell Marshall, Jeffery Brice, Ben Brice, Travis Berryman, Nick Lovett and honorary Marc Stokeld. There will be a graveside service in Glenmora at Roselawn Cemetery.