O LORD my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.” Psalm 30:2 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4. A beloved daughter, sister, niece, cousin and friend to so many, Erin Alexandra Ehrhardt Veilleux passed away unexpectedly April 8, 2023, at the age of 52 after many health issues during the past five years. She is survived by her mother Barbara Ehrhardt, stepfather Louis Martin Bruger, sister Andrea Ann Ehrhardt, maternal grandmother Frances Elizabeth Batman, numerous relatives and friends and her favorite person who brought her so much joy, Daniel Canaday, whom she loved so very much. She was preceded in death by her father, Paul Conrad Ehrhardt, Jr., maternal grandfather, Frank Comore Batman, paternal grandfather Paul Conrad Ehrhardt, Sr., paternal grandmother, Teresa Magdelene Doyle Ehrhardt and her sister Jill Annette Ehrhardt Osborn, whose death she never got over. Erin was born in Marrero, Louisiana and graduated St. Thomas More Elementary School, St. Joseph’s Academy (class of 1989) in Baton Rouge and Mississippi University for Women in Columbus, Mississippi and Northwestern State University in Natchitoches with a Masters of Education. Erin had a caring, sweet, huge heart. She took care of so many people always thinking of others before herself. She was a beautiful soul, and was also one of the most quick-witted, funniest, and sweetest people in the world. She loved teaching all her students in one on one settings. This brought her immense happiness. She also loved raising German Shepherds, music and the LSU Tigers. As Erin requested, she will be cremated and there will be no service. If you would like to make a donation in Erin’s name, donations can be made to The American Heart Association or Capital Area Animal Welfare Society in her name.