Walter SwisherFather
Velma (Wheeler) SwisherMother
Robert C. HunterHusband
Kim Hunter-GuthrieDaughter
David CavinderSon-in-law
Matthew CavinderGrandchild
Mandy (Tony) Cavinder GoffGrandchild
Lindsey CashGrandchild
Melissa (Don) HamptonGrandchild
Tracy TurlGrandchild
Scott (Danille) SwartzGreat Grandchild
Brandon MoreauGreat Grandchild
Allison HamptonGreat Grandchild
Connor MoreauGreat Grandchild
Lilyana PadillaGreat Grandchild
Eilana GoffGreat Grandchild
~ Many Nieces and Nephews
~ Larry, Jim, Leo, Don, and Bill SwisherBrothers
~ Ilene Brown and Della JeffriesSisters
Marge was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Robert C. Hunter; five brothers, Larry, Jim, Leo, Don, and Bill Swisher; two sisters, Ilene Brown and Della Jeffries; and son-in-law, Don W. Guthrie.
St. Jude Rides