Given COVID-19 CDC restrictions, the sanctuary seating capacity is limited to 125 people. To best care for family and friends as we celebrate the life of Hunter and his victory in Christ, the service will be live streamed. We will have overflow capacity of 50 persons in our school multi-purpose room, but unfortunately we cannot accommodate all those who wish to join us to celebrate Hunter’s life. Please consider coming for the visitation from 9am to 11am and joining us via live stream. You can find the live stream at facebook.com/ilcmemphis Memorials may be given on behalf of Hunter for Immanuel Lutheran School by following this link https://onrealm.org/ilcmemphis/-/give/now mailing a check to Immanuel with 'Hunter memorial' in memo line, or by using a memorial envelope during the visitation/funeral on Friday. Immanuel Lutheran Church and School are located at 6325 Raleigh LaGrange, Memphis, TN 38134

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Tim ThompsonFather

Kimberly ThompsonStepmother

Hayden ThompsonBrother

Aislinn ParkerSister

Carol and John CarrGrandparents

Tami ThompsonMother (deceased)

Robert FisherGrandparent (deceased)

Margaret ThompsonGrandparent (deceased)

Jim ThompsonGrandparent (deceased)


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