Born in Encino, New Mexico on February 3, 1931. Passed peacefully in his home on June 19, 2016, at the age of 85.He is a member of THE CHURCH, which is THE BODY OF CHRIST, awaiting the out resurrection from out among the dead ones, Philippians 3:11. He is survived by his loving wife of 64 years, Kathryn M. Rucker, son Micheal S. Rucker, grandson Anthony A. Davis, great grandson Shawn R. Davis, granddaughter Brandy K. Rael, her husband Brian M. Rael, grandsons Anthony M. Rael, Aaron M. Rael, granddaughters Ariana M. Rael, Alyssa K. Rael, daughter Karen J. Witt, son-in-law Myron S. Witt, grandchildren Eric S. Witt, Jesse G. Witt, Sara K. Witt, great granddaughter Riley Q. Curtis, son Allon L. Rucker, daughter-in-law Kim J. Rucker and grandson Ryan M. Rucker. Memorial service at Mead Mortuary, 3690 Irwin Rd., Barstow, CA at 2pm on June 28, 2016. When CHRIST who is our life shall be manifest then shall ye be manifest with him in glory COL 3:4.