Robert was predeceased by his parents, Robert C. McGinnis and Ethel C. McGinnis, and by his siblings, Mary and John. He is survived by his brothers Campbell (wife Jayne), and Michael (wife Cate Miller) as well as his nieces and nephews Heather, Kimberly, Skye, Kendal, Travis (John’s children), Devon, Bill, Paul (Campbell’s children), Elizabeth, Hanna (Michael’s children) and Chris (Mary’s son).
Robert always had a great work ethic. He had a paper route while in elementary school at 4:30 AM seven days a week. During middle school, he worked at the Capitol as a page, and during high school, he sacked groceries.
Robert attended Austin High School and the University of Texas, both undergraduate and MBA. He majored in International Business and earned minors in Finance and Accounting. He had many notable academic achievements, including a perfect score on the mathematics portion of the GRE, and a near perfect record in his chosen field of study. From the age of 25, Robert worked full time as a stock broker while getting his MBA at UT. He was markedly successful. None of these achievements were on outward display with Robert; he was modest, almost to a fault.
From the earliest age, Robert read voraciously and frequently kept to himself. He was introspective. What people remember most about Robert was a calmness, thoughtfulness, and philosophic outlook that was at Robert’s core - quiet, strong, and always kind to others. He was the “go to” guy for help understanding and dealing with the complexities of life. His scope and stature made him Gibraltar.
In 1979, a speeding car ran a red light and robbed Robert, and the world, of his promise. After three months in a coma and three months in intensive rehabilitation, Robert faced the future with severe brain damage and needed full time care. Yet, he was still there. He faced the most difficult of circumstances with equanimity. He did not complain. He was the embodiment of human dignity, grace and cheerfulness to all who knew him.
At some future date, Robert’s family will gather his friends in remembrance. A private burial was held for his family. His family would like to thank Lin Zong Ti and Hong Ying Xu for their 37 years of special love and care of Robert. We also thank Ann Keyes, Pat Mayne, and Zhenping Ding for their loyal and steadfast help over the years.