After 90 Years of a richly meaningful life, Maxine Harris Clark died on December 14, 2012 and has been enfolded back into the loving heart of God from whence she came and unto which she now returns. During her Hospice care at Westminster Manor, she was content and at peace with the love and care of family and friends.
Mrs. Clark is survived by two sons: Curtis L. Clark, Jr., his wife Margie, and one grandson, Jonathon, who live in Los Angeles, California, and the second son, Reginald Clark, who lives in Cego, Texas. One brother also survives Maxine: William M. Harris, and his wife Lib, who live in Austin. Maxine's husband, Curtis Lubin Clark Sr., predeceased her in 1990 while they lived in Houston. Her death is also mourned by nieces, nephews, and her many friends and neighbors at Westminster Manor.
Maxine's home was the hospitality center for family gatherings. She was a committed teacher of first and second graders in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Port Arthur, and Houston, Texas. Those who knew her best would note her constant smile. It was as if a smile of love and acceptance was etched on her soul.
Maxine was a person of strong Christian Faith and a member of the Tarrytown United Methodist Church.
Visitation hours will be from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 18 at Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home.
A service of Worship and Thanksgiving will be held in the Chapel of the Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home, 3125 North Lamar Blvd, on Wednesday, December
19 at 10:00 AM. Officiating at the service will be Rev. Margot Perez-Greene of Tarrytown United Methodist Church. Interment will be Thursday, December 20 at 1:00 PM in the Forest Park Memorial Cemetery on Westheimer Road in Houston.