Laura Joan Borman Wilson, a beloved wife, cherished mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, passed away peacefully on December 16, 2023, in Austin, TX. Laura was born on August 21, 1936. She was 87 years old.
Born in the vibrant city of New Orleans, Laura had a profound connection to history and family roots and dedicated countless hours to unraveling the intricate branches of her family tree. She was very active for many of her adult years in multiple ancestry organizations.
Laura is survived by her husband, Frank Wilson, daughters Rebecca Baker, Laura Barnes, Charlotte Owens, Ashley Jackson, Diane Richardson and sons, David Richardson and Brett Wilson. Laura was preceded in death by her daughter Beth Hedrick, sister Virginia Borman, brother Richard Borman and parents Joseph and Lillian Borman.
Laura loved nothing more than spending time with family which also included her grandchildren Autumn Lloyd, Joshua Lewis, Jesse Kampa, Andrew Richardson, Amelia Hedrick, Henry Holmes, Simon Holmes, Amanda Richardson, Justin Richardson and Samantha Richardson. She was delighted by her great grandchildren, Miles Lloyd, Ella Lloyd, Lincoln Rather and Jorie Kampa.
In celebration of her life a graveside service will be held at the Austin Memorial Park Cemetery, 2800 Hancock Dr. , Austin, TX 78731 at 2 pm on December 20, 2023.
Laura touched our lives with profound memories. May she rest in eternal peace.