Jonnie M Anderson, 73, embarked on her final adventure in her home on May 24, 2017, in Austin, Texas, with her husband by her side. Her time was shortened by a 10 year battle with lung cancer, which she vigorously fought and did not slow or dictate her enthusiasm for life, or for going and doing.
She is survived by her beloved husband of almost 55 years, Thomas (Tom), treasured son and daughter-in-law, Timothy and Lori Anderson, of Johnson City, Texas, and the lights of her life, grandchildren Olivia and Brendan Anderson. Jonnie was preceded in death by her dear son John in 1984, and by her parents.
Born in Denison, Texas, to Marie and Lucius Miller on February 10, 1944, she had 4 siblings, Frankie, Hermas, Betty (deceased), and Clara (deceased). Jonnie grew up on West Morgan Street and graduated from Denison High School in 1962.
Jonnie and Tom married in 1962 and started their adventure together in Austin, where they lived their entire married life. She graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Her career stops included the University of Texas, Texas Research League, Brown Schools, and Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation.
Jonnie was an active and enthusiastic traveler, always ready for the next trip. She and Tom toured extensively in the United States, Europe, Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean. As a ritual, when driving to the airport or beginning a road trip, the comment “off on another adventure” always brought a mutual chuckle. With her grandchildren, she especially treasured the numerous places and experiences in the States, Europe, and the Caribbean. Special traveling friends, Bill and Linda Kirby of Lampasas, Texas, and David and Kathy Driscoll of Melrose, MA, shared many fun and exciting events with the Andersons. Jonnie, Tom, and the Kirbys scuba dived for 10 years from islands all over the Caribbean, and added a special trip to Tahiti. Since 1999, she traveled, usually twice every year, with a group of former State Commissioners of Education and their spouses: David and Kathy Driscoll of MA, Cecil and Gaylen Picard of LA., Kent and Sandra King of MO., and Jack and Sherry McLaughlin of NV. In particular, exceptional times and places were shared among Gaylen, Kathy, and Jonnie.
While Jonnie volunteered for numerous causes, her favorite was at Brackenridge Hospital in Austin. While making blankets for families of organ donors, stockings to hold Christmas babies, pillow cases, and other unique items for patients, as well as repairing torn staff uniforms, she formed friendships with a group of ladies with a penchant for sewing. Every Wednesday, they gathered to sew, chat, and contribute.
She thanks Dr. Demetrius Loukas, of Texas Oncology in Austin, for his special place in caring for and counseling during her struggle with the cancer. The staff was always competent and beyond reproach.
Services will be at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, May 31, 2017 at Cook-Walden Funeral Home, 6100 North Lamar, Austin, Texas. Burial, immediately after the service, will be at Austin Memorial Park, 2800 Hancock Drive, Austin. Family visitation will be at Cook-Walden from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, Tuesday, May 30, 2017.
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