Charlotte attended Glen Burnie High School in Maryland, and though she never attended college, her love of books and the knowledge she attained from reading them left many believing she did. She loved ancient history, astrology, astronomy, the Bible, health sciences and organic gardening. After high school, Charlotte worked for Bendix Defense Contractors, supporting the WWII effort.
After one failed marriage, she met Sikes Frank Wood, Jr. and they married September 19, 1945. They lived in several places, including Baltimore, MD; Denver, CO and Hearne, TX before settling in Austin, TX. Together, they had five children; four girls and one boy.
Mama was a woman among women, self taught and had many wonderful, immense talents. She was a seamstress, sewing fashion designs we wore proudly throughout our lives, including several family wedding dresses. She also knitted and crocheted. She was a chef, serving meals good enough for royalty; she was a gardener, growing much of the fruits and vegetables served at our table, including tangerines, bananas, apples, peaches and just about any vegetable you can name. Her flower beds were so beautiful that strangers would stop by our home in northwest Austin to take photos. She was an artist and could have rivaled “the greats” in mediums of oil, pastel chalks, charcoal pencil and watercolors. Mama even taught herself to play the piano. She was a true homemaker.
Christmas was her favorite time of year, and though we never had much money, our Christmas trees were breathtaking, decorated with homemade ornaments, flowers, lights and Tinsel.
Mama was loved by everyone she met. She helped many throughout her life. Nothing she possessed was too great to part with if she felt it could bring happiness to, or help someone else. This part of the world has lost a treasure with her passing.