Anthony Blakely a.k.a Big A a.k.a T Money, is my brother and my best friend. Words I would use to describe Big A are compassionate, easy going, friendly, kind, generous, funny, lucky, honest, silly and wise. Hanging out with Ant was always a good time; he knew how to make people laugh and would find so much joy in doing so. I’ve always wondered how he could be having the worst day but when a family member or friend that he hadn’t seen in a while came around he would turn on his charm to make you feel like you were the most important person in the world. He never held anything back when he was talking with people; it was always funny seeing stranger’s faces thinking, “did he just really ask me that!” His favorite question to ask people was “So what’s for dinner?” I asked him why he would ask everyone that, he said “It tells me a lot about that person by what they are having for dinner and also I’m always looking for new ideas!”
As for his luck, everyone knew he was the luckiest person in the family. He was the self-proclaimed “Krinko and Poker Champion of the World”, as for myself, I could never give him the satisfaction of calling him that to his face. Any time he played card games or gambled on anything, everyone knew he was the one to beat. Money was Ants favorite thing; he loved it, even more than food! He was so lucky he could even lend it out for the day. He loved to send people good vibes so that their luck could change too but he always said “I will lend you my luck but you only got twenty four hours and I’m going to need it back”. Yvette you know what I’m talking about, remember when he lent you his luck and you hit that Bingo! He always knew exactly how much money he had at all times, even after coming out of a coma. The craziest thing I remember was him being in a coma for over 2 months and he says to me as soon as he could talk again “I still have that $7.35 for online poker, right?” To the penny he knew what he had. Of course I didn’t think he would remember so I used it and then had to put it back.
And finally he was the most honest and wise person I know. He would always speak his mind and never hold anything back, which was something that I’ve always admired about him. I know that I’m the older brother but I honestly feel like he gave me more advice than I did to him. He would always try to get me to stop being so shy around new people and just be myself. I would come to him for opinions on situations that were going on in my life and I would always trust and try to follow his suggestions on how to solve the issue because as he would tell you, he was always right.
The last few days we were able to spend together were such good memories of laughter and joy even with everything that was going on. He wanted us to be happy and not sad because he was going to a better place. His final wishes were that he would never be forgotten and always be remembered for the good times we had with him!
Brother, I love you so much and don’t know what I’m going to do without you by my side. I will speak to you every night through prayer and keep coming to you for advice. Please guide Mom, Dad, me and Jen on the right track through life and know that you will always be loved and missed. I could never put into words what you truly mean to me and you will be greatly missed. We love you Big A!