Winnie Pui-Chi Ho was born on May 15th, 1961 in Hong Kong, born to Yau Min Ho and Siu Mei Yeung (Stiles).
She danced and partied her way through her youth in Hong Kong until she immigrated to the US in 1981 with her brother Cody, the day before Christmas, in good ol’ Grand Forks, North Dakota with her mom, Bob, and her sister Wendy. Soon after in March of ‘82, she moved in with her sister and brother-in-law, Ada and Sonny, in Los Altos, California, where she began a new chapter of life and her journey into motherhood. She will be remembered for her caring heart, her unwavering dedication to family, and her child-like playfulness.
She is survived by her dearest first born, Kenneth Wong, and her wonderful daughter Emily Wong (Lee) who were her entire world, and her patient and faithful husband Kevin Weiby.