With much sadness the Embry family mourns the passing of Harvey Helm Embry, financial analyst, teacher, caregiver, and spiritual seeker. He died on Friday, December 15, 2023, in Atlanta, Georgia, one day after celebrating his ninetieth birthday. Harvey was someone with extraordinary gifts of kindness, generosity, humor, and patience. Born in Glasgow, Kentucky, in 1933, he attended Henry Clay High School in Lexington, Columbia University, and the University of Kentucky, where he received master’s degrees in economics and education. He served four years in the US Army. For many years he worked for the Medicare Division of the Kentucky State Government, and he volunteered as the business manager of Nellie’s Puppet Theater. He was also a longstanding member of the Phoenix Institute in Lexington, where he absorbed its teachings of love, light, and serenity. He was a proud member of AA, Mensa, and the Kentucky Blood Center, where his 267 pints of blood donated still stands as an unsurpassed record. He was the son of Ann and Harvey Embry, Senior, and was married to Margaret (Peggy) Embry, nee Faulkner, all of whom preceded him in death. He is survived by his two brothers, John and Tom Embry, their wives Anne Embry and Karen Darko, nieces and nephews Laura Embry, Sandy and Andy Roberts, Robin Embry and Angie Edwards, Clay Embry and Sonja Burns, as well as grand-nephews and nieces Colin Roberts and Bailey Tulloch, Kate Roberts, Jon Chamorro, Olive Embry, and Emma Edwards. Harvey will be remembered for his compassion and caring by everyone who knew him. Donations in his name (of blood or the monetary kind) to the Kentucky Blood Center will be much appreciated. No services will be held at this time.