Jane Bowden EberhartMother of his Children

Myra Hatton TownsendEstranged Wife

Elizabeth "Betty" McCoy (Shealy)Daughter

Jan Shippey (Jack)Daughter

Mary O'Sell (Jamie)Daughter

Margaret "Peggy" Evatt (Ben)Daughter

John Louis "Pappy" Golob, III (LeAnn)Son

Laura McCoy Thomas (Duane)Grandchild

Shealy "Tripp" McCoy. III (Megan)Grandchild

Marty "Chip" HufstetlerGrandchild

Rosalind Golob Sprinkles (Alex)Grandchild

Josh Hufstetler (Amy)Grandchild

Margaret McCoy Toney (Charlie)Grandchild

Clay EvattGrandchild

Elizabeh O'SellGrandchild

Andee O'SellGrandchild

Meg O'SellGrandchild

Jacob "Jake" GolobGrandchild

Jim Townsend (Lisa)Step-Child

Geoff Townsend (Mary)Step-Child

Vicky TownsendStep-Child

Mr. Golob leaves eight great-grandchildren; six step-grandchildren; one step-great grandchild and 11 nieces and nephews and many great nieces and nephews as well as numerous cousins to cherish his memory.


Disabled American Veterans Service Foundation

Past Services

Saturday,April 27, 2019

Memorial Service

Saturday,April 27, 2019
