Friday was a sad day for me and my family. My father peacefully passed away. He was blessed to have been able to see and visit with all five of my children as well as their children, all fourteen of them, which includes the newest one at five days old. It was exactly two years ago when suddenly he could no longer walk. Throughout this whole time he never complained or uttered any words of discouragement, anger, resentment and never “why me”. It was always “It is what it is”. Up until the end he kept his sense of humor. Who was my dad? He was a man of honor and integrity. He was always helpful to anyone in need. He could fix anything and it seemed he could build anything. There didn’t seem to be anything he couldn’t do. For as long as I can remember he had a motorcycle. From his days on the Salt Lake City Police Force he rode a Harley Davidson. From the time I was a little girl I loved going on rides with him (maybe that’s why I like to ride my bicycle without a helmet). I still yearn for a motorcycle ride with the wind blowing in my face. Family was important to my dad. I can remember going to visit family wherever we went. He didn’t like to talk much on the phone, he preferred to sit and chat. Dad taught me how to drive. He would take me on the back roads in Milpitas where I could learn and practice without any cars around. Then came the day he taught me to drive a stick shift…because every girl needs to know how to drive one…just in case. He was so patient with me as I tried to get the hang of it. I am so grateful he did. I thought it sound advice and made sure all of my children knew how to drive a stick shift too. We had many fun trips together, camping, fishing, putting puzzles together, playing board games or just going for a Sunday drive. My dad was a great example to me of what a husband and father should be. As a little girl I wanted to grow up and marry my dad, and because of his example and the qualities he had I was able to find a wonderful man to be my husband. It has been my honor to take care of him during this time and to have such wonderful people surrounding him, to care for him and to help him with his daily needs, and who came to love him. I heard often from the staff, “Your parents are so sweet together; you can really see the love they have for each other” or “What a love story they have”. One young woman on staff who is engaged told me, “That’s what I want” as she points to my parents. I will miss my dad; he is forever in my heart.