Donald F. Hughes of Atascadero, Ca, died on Feb. 23, 2015. He is survived by his wife, Harriet, three children—Kevin, Jennifer, and Matthew—of California, numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and one brother, Carl, and a sister, Josephine, who reside in the East. A daughter, Kirsten, died in 1959. Mr. Hughes was born in Syracuse, New York on Nov. 24, 1925. He attended local schools, graduating in 1943. At age 17 he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, proud to have been in the service at a time when the spirit of patriotism was strong in our country. He last served with Motor Torpedo Boat squadrons in the Philippine Islands until his discharge in 1946. Following the war, Hughes attended Syracuse University, earning a BA in 1949 and an MA in English and Education in 1950. Upon his graduation, he began a career as a high school teacher and held positions in Herkimer and Lockport High Schools in New York State and in Taft, California for 27 years. Upon retirement in 1985, Hughes continued his life as an educator, serving as a substitute teacher in Atascadero schools for many years. While he was raised a Roman Catholic, Hughes left that church at age 17. He was later married to Harriet Galpin in the Episcopal Church and served for many years and in several different capacities. Eventually, however, he recognized that he did not accept the major doctrines of the Christian faith and subsequently identified himself as an agnostic and a humanist. Hughes was not a “joiner” and was not associated with any business, political, or fraternal organization. He was, however, active locally in the Loaves and Fishes and Meals-on-Wheels programs. Interment will take place at a future date at Oakwood Cemetery in Syracuse, N.Y. While there are to be no public services locally, Hughes wishes his friends in Atascadero to know that he appreciates very much these associations which enriched his life in various ways. “I shall not be imprisoned in that grave where you are to bury my body. I shall be diffused in great Nature, in the soil, in the air, in the sunshine, in the hearts of those who love me, in all the living and flowing currents of the world.” John Burroughs. The World of John Burroughs. p.136.