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Veronica Reyes WilkinsonWife

Linda Lanesky House (Willie)Mother

Brittni Salem (Matt)Daughter

Benjamin WilkinsonSon

Christiana WilkinsonDaughter

Jaxon and EmmaGrandchildren

Lillian and DellaGrandchildren

Frank WilkinsonBrother

Timothy WilkinsonBrother

Chris Coffy (Brent)Sister

Erin Stewart (Jon)Sister

Carianne Baltzell (Scott)Sister

Antonia OrnelasMother-in-law

Asuncion ReyesBrother-in-law

Martin Reyes (Sandra)Brother-in-law

Ramiro Reyes (Erica)Brother-in-law

Irma ReyesSister-in-law

Noe ReyesBrother-in-law

Carmen ReyesSister-in-law

Mireya ReyesSister-in-law

a host ofnieces and nephews

Hannah and Beya WilkinsonInfant daughters (deceased)

Frank G. WilkinsonFather (deceased)

maternal and paternalgrandparents (deceased)

Past Services

Saturday,July 22, 2023

Memorial Service