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Clarence A. WagnerFather (deceased)

Constance GoekeMother (deceased)

James H. ZieglasHusband (deceased)

Clarene "Clank" WagnerBrother (deceased)

Jim (Jeanne) ZieglerSon

Mary (Scott) MartinDaughter

John ZieglerSon

Paul (Christina) ZieglerSon

Phil (Mary) WagnerBrother

Margaret HuskeySister

Dianne (George) SwindonSister

Anita RickettSister

Annette LaMoraSister

Loving grandma of 9and great grandma of one; Numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and other assorted relatives and very dear friends.


Masses may be made to Immaculate Conception Church, 2300 Church Rd., Arnold, Missouri 63010

Birthright of HillsboroP.O Box 35, Hillsboro, Missouri 63050

Past Services

Tuesday,April 27, 2021


Wednesday,April 28, 2021

Funeral Service

Wednesday,April 28, 2021

Committal Service