Rev. Sione Haisila Ta’ufo’ou was born in Kotu Ha’apai, Tonga on December 29, 1935 to Petueli and Lesieli Ta’ufo’ou.
In August 1981, Rev. Haisila Ta’ufo’ou and a few Tongans started the first Tongan congregation in Euless, Texas, Siasi Fakatahataha, for anyone to attend and worship. He is fondly remembered as a true pioneer in the Tongan community for his love and dedication to do Lord’s work, by carrying out His will on earth, to love one another as He first loved us.
Sione Haisila Ta’ufo’ou is survived by his wife, Latai Holeva Haisila, his children, Tevita Petueli Langi, Luseane Virginia Finau, Sione Haitenili Haisila, Lo’au Po’ulia ‘I Pangai Haisila, Patisepa Sinitelela Finau and Lillian Piusati Dzurenko, their spouses, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.