Felix “Phil” Martinez passed away on April 28, 2021 at his home in Arlington, TX. Felix fought a brave battle with cancer. He was born on December 11, 1959 in Fort Worth, Texas to Manuel and Cynthia Martinez. Fellowship was very important to him and this promoted harmony with his nine siblings: Eddie, Larry, Manuel, Jr., Martha, Pete, Laura, Angelina, Joe. Felix was something of the family diplomat. He helped to settle problems and conflicts and kept the family running smoothly.
From the time he was born, Felix showed a deep concern for others. He was a giving and caring individual, ethical and full of integrity and warmth. As a young boy, Felix interacted well with other children. He was helpful, active and an independent person who had a vivid imagination and a number of interest. Felix enjoyed football in his spare time. He also liked going to church, comic books, reading, writing stories of his life and family, singing and discovering small towns in Texas. Felix's memorable achievements included becoming a Christian.
A good student who was enthusiastic about learning, Felix was considered by many to be a high achiever. He enjoyed some classes more than others, having favorite courses and teachers. His favorite class in high school was journalism class.
Able to maintain a positive focus on the potential good to be found in others, Felix was always ready with solid advice and guidance to offer his group of friends. He was generally friendly to all who knew him, yet to some he seemed quite independent. For those who really knew Felix, they recognized that he could be full of surprises and very funny. He enjoyed a small but solid group of true friends and would willingly support those friends when they needed it. Because of his ability to read people, he had an uncanny knack for knowing when a friend needed help and he always helped them. While growing up, some of his best friends were Ernest Smith, Manuel Fernandez, Jamie Dillareal, Ernest Nombrano. Later in life, he became friends with Olivia Acosta.
All who knew him would agree that there was a certain kind of magic in how Felix was able to bond with his grandson. Felix was blessed with one son, Felix, Jr., and he was also blessed with one grandson, Xavier Payne.
Felix projected a subtle but positive influence in his workplace. He was comfortable working behind the scenes to help everyone get their job done, and he worked hard at all times. He possessed excellent insight and a strong ability to meet schedules. He was an innovator who worked well independently, and he enjoyed the task of meeting a constant array of challenges. His primary occupation was Store Associate. He was employed at Wal-Mart.
As an imaginative and inventive person, Felix was comfortable showing his creative spirit. He enjoyed his leisure time by taking part in various hobbies. Once Felix took on a new project, he saw it through to its completion. His favorite pursuits were going to the movies, reading, adventuring to small towns, being on FB connecting with family and friends. He was content to enjoy his hobbies alone but was also willing to share his interests with others.
Felix was one who put forth his best effort in every aspect of his life, and that carried over to his participation in sports as well. In high school, Felix played football. Felix was also something of a sports fan and enjoyed following his favorite events whenever he got the opportunity. Tops on his list were football. He loved the Dallas Cowboys!
Felix was a man with clear convictions and high principles, and his faith was important to him. He was an inspiration to many people who recognized his sense of commitment and esteem for others. He was a member Fielder Church in Arlington for 3 years.
His favorite vacations included going to visit Olivia's home town Monahans, TX, and visiting San Antonio, TX two years ago.
One of Felix's favorite pets was Gayloff, a German Shepherd. They were best friends for 10 years.
Though he could be a private person at times, Felix was always able and willing to give of himself. A poetic, intuitive “teacher”, Felix Martinez shared himself freely. Family and friends will remember Felix for the strength of his convictions.
While it is possible to receive good counsel from a wide circle of family and friends, few could do it with the skill and aptitude of Felix Martinez. He had a true talent for helping others reach their full potential and brought out the best in those who sought his help. Felix was a forward-looking man whose personality was filled with empathy toward everyone he met. He could be shy, quiet and reserved, but his style of communication was authentic and direct. His sensitivity, kindness and generous attitude made him a wonderful friend for all who knew him.
He is survived by his partner in life Olivia Acosta, son Felix Jr., grandson Xavier Payne and many nieces and nephews.
Services handled at Moore Bowen Road Funeral Home, Arlington, TX.