and support to whomever needed it; this came undeniably natural to her. Her life revolved around her
husband (Julius Wetzel), family and gardening. She loved on a level not many can. She had a beautiful
singing voice, great sense of humor and a passion for history. She was instrumental in the founding of
the Philippine Nationwide Greening Program (KKK-VI) and spent forty years as a Certified Nursing
Assistant (CNA) in Montana, Lompoc Ca and Victorville Ca.
Maria leaves behind a husband, five sisters, five children, ten grand children, 5 great grand children and
two great great grand children. She was a loving, hard working, fun loving person. There is a void that
can never be filled.
Funeral arrangements are at the Bible Baptist Church, 12626 First Ave. Victorville, California 92395, on
Thursday May 19 2022. Viewing at 900AM, Memorial Services at 1000AM. The funeral will be at
Sunset Hills, Memorial Park and Mortuary, 24000 Waalew Road, Apple Valley, CA, FD1640