Show your support


Delmar "Buck" Grant and Susan GrantSon

Patricia AdamsDaughter

Janah Renea Adams Brown and ZacGrandchild

Beau Michael Grant and ElizabethGrandchild

Art Patrick GrantGrandchild

Jake GrantGreat Grandchild

Evelyn Gay Murphy and James RaySister

Lillie TurnerSister-in-law

Several -Nieces and Nephews

Linda GuytonSpecial Friend


Kenneth Murphy

Jonathan Murphy

Beau Grant

Art Grant

Buck Grant

Jake GrantHonorary Pallbearer

Theresa ChevalierHonorary Pallbearer

Past Services

Monday,July 22, 2019

Visitation at Gray Brown-Service Mortuary

Monday,July 22, 2019

Funeral Service at Gray Brown-Service Mortuary