Alcides Pinto, former chief of Psychology Services at Crownsville Hospital Center, passed away May 7, 2020 from complications of Covid 19. He arrived in the United States in 1963 and was recruited by Crownsville to build a world-class psychology department for Maryland. During 40 years of service, Dr. Pinto improved psychology research and training and the treatment of Maryland’s mentally ill and boosted the hospital’s outpatient services.
He was recognized repeatedly for his work on behalf of mentally ill people. In 2003, the Kiwanis Club of the Severn presented him with their Outstanding Citizen Award. In 2006, the Maryland Psychological Association presented him with their Outstanding Contributions to the Education and Training of Psychologists Award for building an internationally-recognized program for psychology interns. More than 300 young psychologists from around the world participated in the program, continuing his research-driven, compassionate patient care.
“You not only ensured the highest standards in training, but your personal caring and mentorship meant that each intern could be assured of reaching his or her highest potential – this benefited not only psychology in Maryland but the citizens of this state as well,” a letter accompanying the award said.” Although the internship program at Crownsville existed before Dr. Pinto joined the staff, he is credited with fostering the program and helping get it accredited.
Dr. Natalia Ojeda, one of the interns who participated in the program, said many people and experiences shape the human beings we become, but some, like Dr. Pinto, make such a huge impression that they transform your life forever.
“He was always generous with us and opened doors for us so we could have the best opportunities to grow personally and professionally,” Dr. Ojeda said. “He was always ready to make that phone call to whomever needed to be called or write that letter that needed to be written to contribute wherever he could. He was tireless. He lived by example. He had a significant impact on many people.”
Dr. Pinto is survived by his wife of 57 years, Ines Pinto; his daughters, Ines Alicea, Cristina, Monica and Ana Pinto, his granddaughters, Elena and Monica Alicea, and his son-in-laws, Pedro Alicea and Howard Hayes.
Dr. Pinto grew up in a family of nine children on the small island of Chiloe, just south of mainland Chile, South America. One of his nieces, Veronica Pinto, described the siblings Blanca, Yolanda, Guillermo, Edison, Nelson, Socrates, Alessandria, Aldo and Alcides as “valiant Chilote wolves.” Chilote is the Spanish term for the people of Chiloe. The family was well known in southern Chile. His dad Isaias had served as a mayor, judge and port captain and his grandfather plotted navigation charts of Chilean waters and the Chilean Navy recognized his efforts by naming Pinto Sound after him.
“The island was famous for its beauty and is now very much a tourist attraction,” Dr. Pinto said in a 2011 interview.
After completing a bachelor of arts degree in bio-psychology and education in Chile, he earned a scholarship to get his master of arts in psychology at Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. He remained in Spain and earned his doctorate of philosophy in clinical psychology and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the National Institute for Children with Learning and Adjustment Problems in Madrid. During his time in Spain, he met a Colombian woman, Ines, who was studying in the United States but was spending a semester abroad in Madrid. They married and traveled by ship to the United States on Nov. 12, 1963.
“The number one thing I wanted to do was see President John F. Kennedy speak,” he said in that 2011 interview. Sadly, 10 days later, on Nov. 22, the president was assassinated. “I was very upset,” he recalled. “I had a great deal of respect for the president. He was a great supporter of helping the poor and his picture was everywhere to the point where he became almost like a religious figure to me.”
Dr. Pinto knew little English when he first arrived in the United States and yet, his drive to build a world-class psychology department for the state of Maryland pushed him to work countless hours after his workday ended to learn the language well. He would tape record his days and spend his evenings translating everything with his young bride, Ines, to quickly grasp the language.
One of his proudest days was being sworn in as a U.S. citizen. Several friends gifted him with U.S. flags which he treasured. He instilled in his daughters the importance of contributing positively to his and Ines’ new homeland and being involved in the political process.
Dr. Pinto always held dear his Latin American background and he was instrumental in creating and supporting many efforts to help Spanish-speaking immigrants in Annapolis. He helped recruit Spanish-speaking Catholic priests to the area to hold masses for the community and he provided mental health services in Spanish to Annapolis Latinos.
After retiring from Crownsville in 2001, he dedicated himself to providing pro-bono mental health services to low-income members of the community, participating actively in the Knights of Columbus and spending time with his family and beloved dog, Godo.
“I like to offer counseling and advice to the members of the Latino community as well as to help them in their efforts to further their education -- but now every thing I do is pro bono,” he said in his 2011 interview.
Crownsville closed its doors permanently in 2004, but Dr. Pinto always held a special place in his heart for the people he met while working at the hospital.
He said that when he first joined the Crownsville staff, the hospital was overcrowded with 2,600 patients and “the conditions were horrible.” The staff was instrumental in easing the overcrowding through their outspoken resistance to the pressures to place patients in public shelters, on the streets, or in the jails. Also, improvements in psychiatric treatment, rigid admission policies, and better funding of outpatient treatment and residential services gradually reduced the number of patients at the hospital to a mere 200 by the year 2000. Dr. Pinto, who served as director of the hospital’s research efforts, played a large role in this change, especially when it came to the improvement of treatment.
“We did a lot of research regarding treatment,” he said. “We studied the effects of anti-depressants and tranquilizers in an effort to improve the quality of life of our patients. I feel very proud of my time at Crownsville.”
Due to current restrictions related to the pandemic, a Catholic Mass and memorial celebration will be held later, when family and friends can gather freely. The John M. Taylor Funeral Home in Annapolis will be hosting an online guest registry and the family welcomes memories and anecdotes about Dr. Pinto. Please leave an email address via the Taylor Funeral Home website so we can contact you with those arrangements.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to local food banks.