Of Alexandria, Virginia died Sunday, May 19, 2019. Marion was born on October 10, 1935 in Middletown, NY. She leaves behind a loving husband of 60 years, Leland Fay, three children Jennifer, Stephanie and Mark, along with seven grandchildren, Denise, Danielle, Sara, Naomi, Sam, Shayna and Miriam; two great grandchildren, Leah and Eli and sister, Bobbi Daniel.
This was written in honor of Marion Fay’s 75th birthday which we feel truly captures her 83 years of love and life.
Marion, this is from all your family for all that you have given of yourself over these past many years. You are a beautiful woman, mother, wife and grandmother – a unique blend of beauty, spunk and enthusiasm. You are truly “A Classy Lady”.
You are a loving, kind and caring person with deep appreciation of the beauty in life and have infinite optimism and hope for what the future can bring. There are so many memories that are truly you: your love of children, dogs and horses, your ability to bloom wherever we were stationed in the Air Force, your ability to “fix it” and make it better no matter what the problem, and your love of Broadway and beautiful music.
Your life experiences show your dedication and commitment: your Eight Sharps singing chorale, your seven bus/subway trips each way to finish Wood College in New York, raising an Air Force family for over 30 years, being part of the Air Force Blue Team in the US Embassy in Paris, France, running the communists off the American School of Paris faculty, and serving as “CINC Home” (Commander in Chief) for all our family activities such as budgeting, bills, hospital calls, sicknesses, and our trip planner.
You can be proud of all you have done and the person you are. As a business professional, Bernie Stallers appraisal, “That hiring you to be my Executive Assistant was the best decision I made as COO” says it all.
You have been a wonderful wife, mother, friend and prayer warrior for us all. Your prayers for each of us have brought us through hurt, crisis, setbacks and illnesses. As you have often stated “Those who sing pray twice.” You have filled our lives with enjoyment and challenges and made our lives meaningful and worthwhile.
We have known no one else in our lives who we can truly say works as hard and long as you do at so many tasks. You do them all to as near perfection as you possibly can. You always do your job and have pulled more than your share of the load in life. Without your love, support, commitment and hard work with our home and family we would not have achieved what we did.
Our dad also wrote the following: “Over 50 years ago before graduation from West Point and our wedding I wrote to you, “To the one woman in this world that I would ever want, wait for and love forever.” How true and appropriate these words were. You are my one true love and the best decision I ever made was to ask you to be my wife. Your grandfather “Poppy” always asked you, “Are you happy, Marion?” My one hope in this world is that I have helped you to fulfill that wish. “
We miss you and we will keep you in our hearts always.
From all your family and friends.