Trusted Funeral Homes Near Columbus, GA


With decades of setting the standard for funerals in Columbus and surrounding communities, our compassionate associates are dedicated to help you during what can be the most difficult time. Whether in need of a traditional burial or unique celebration of life, we promise to remember every detail—guaranteed.


Columbus, Phenix City

All 3 Locations
Spanish Speaking
Veterans Cemetery Section
Multicultural Funerals
Flexible Event Space
Pet Friendly
Celebration of Life Center
Outdoor Celebrations
Catered Events
Audio/Video Equipment
Cemetery grounds with mausoleum in the background at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens.
2401 Southwest 64th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317
Fountain in the center of the mausoleum at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens Central
499 Northwest 27th Ave
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Forest Lawn Funeral Home & Memory Gardens
5740 South Pine Ave
Ocala, FL 34480

Questions about our locations or need more information?

Contact Us Now

Protect those you love

People expect to plan ahead for big purchases like weddings, homes, cars, education, vacations. A funeral or cremation should be no different. You give your family peace of mind and keep them from unnecessary financial and emotional burdens when you have a plan in place.


Recent Obituaries

When new obituaries are added, receive a notification by email or phone.


Butler Pet Services

To learn more about our pet cremation and burial services, call us at 217-544-4646.