Donnet VillegasWife

Conrado Humberto VillegasFather

Maria (Nena) Elena RodriguezMother

Ted VadmanFather-in-law

Matt VillegasSon

Kevin VillegasSon

Carli VillegasDaughter

Rowan VillegasSon

Conrad Anthony (Tony) VillegasBrother

Ernie VillegasBrother

Joseph GrandlundGodson

Grandchildren: Michael, Brandon, and Tommy Grandchildren: Kobe and Kayli, Great-Granddaughter: Dawson Grandchildren: Trace and Macy Children: Terri Jean, Sara, Tony, Carolann (Sonny) and Ernie (Christine), Children: Steve (Ali), Brian (Candace) and Tim (Tiffany). He is also survived by several cousins, nephews and nieces which he loved dearly.


Pyper Womack at the National Bank

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