A graveside service for Ina will be held Saturday, February 18, 2023 from 12:30 pm at Olinger Crown Hill Cemetery. There will be a visitation prior, from 10:30 am until 12:00 pm at Olinger Crown Hill Mortuary.
A Memorial service for Ina Ruth Innes will be held at the Monaco Parkway Congregation Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses on Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. The location will be as follows:
Monaco Parkway Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
Kingdom Hall
10081 E. 25th Ave.
Aurora, CO 80010
This service will be in person but will have a virtual conferencing option using Zoom. The Zoom information is below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 3448 9210
Passcode: 192362
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Meeting ID: 863 3448 9210
Passcode: 192362
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kjcrTF1ZV
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