Heyln Martina WilshireWife

Raul Wilshire Jr.Son

Ariel WilshireDaughter

Aryes WilshireDaughter

Ameriste WilshireDaughter

Hymi Sedot WilshireBrother

Elaine Anette WilshireSister

Darlene Ray (Robert Ray)Aunt

Lucinda BrownAunt

Geneva Warren (Larry Warren)Aunt

Theressa Vaughan (Carl Vaughan)Aunt

Phillip Brown (Dolores Brown)Uncle

James BrownUncle

Linwood BrownUncle

Ray WilshireFather

Marjorie WilshireMother

Harry Keith (Irma-Jean Keith)Father-in-law

James Brown (Mary Eva Brown)Grandparents

Herert BrownUncle

McKenny BrownUncle

Tonya A. RayCousin

Raul has also left his unforgettable, fun-loving, and precious mark on a host of cousins, friends, and coworkers.

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