Obituary of Hong Lang Tan (Gary), 1964 - 2019
Hong Lang Tan (Gary), age 54, formerly of North York, Ontario, a friend to all, passed away Monday, November 11, 2019.
He was a graduate of the High School attached to the Yulin Teacher’s College, Guangxi, China. He received his BS from Guilin University of Electronic Technology in 1985, and his MS from The University of Hartford, CT U.S.A. in 2005.
Born on November 21, 1964 to Da Cai Tan & XiangXi Wang, Hong Lang enjoyed a happy childhood. He was accepted to the Sport School at age 6 and was an athlete for Table Tennis. He liked playing Table Tennis and badminton, running, swimming, hiking, singing, meeting with friends, and he was very good in ballroom dancing.
Hong was a very smart, friendly, lovely man and had a lot of talents. His master degree thesis “MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanic-System) Failure Probability Prediction and Quality Enhancement Using Neural Network” was published ISQED (International Symposium in Quality Electronic Design) in San Jose, U.S.A. In 2005. He also presented his thesis in an international conference in California, U.S.A. in that year.
He is a professional IT engineer. His last job is working for The Ministry of Health, IT, Ontario. He used to work for IBM, Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Montreal, in Toronto, ON and other companies.
He became a Christian recently, and he loved to attend the Bible study class in Yorkminster Citadel Corps near his home. He was happy to meet friends in this Salvation Army Church.
He is survived by his daughter Elsa Tan, Mother XiangXi Wang, Sister Lena Tan and her husband Christopher Stan, their sons Clark Stan and Dillon Stan; brother Hongtao Tan and his wife Nan Nan, nephew Ryan Tan and Lai Yu Tan, and many cousins, relatives, and friends.
A memorial service will be held from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm on this Sunday November 24, 2019 at The Salvation Army Yorkminster Citadel Corps at 1 Lord Seaton Road (401 and Yonge Street), Toronto, ON M2P 2C1. A reception will be followed after the memorial service at a Chinese restaurant nearby the Church.
讣告 - 谭洪浪(Gary),1964年 - 2019年
洪是一个非常聪明,友好,可爱的人,有很多天赋。他的硕士毕业论文是 “微机电系统(MEMS - 用神经网络预测故障概率与质量增强” 发表在美国的 ISQED 《国际质量电子设计论坛》书中,同年他还在美国加州 ISQED国际研讨会上宣读了论文。
他是个高级 IT工程师。他的最后一份工作是在安大略省卫生部工作。他曾供职于IBM、加拿大皇家银行、蒙特利尔银行、多伦多等公司。
追悼会将于2019年11月24日(星期日)下午4:30至5:30在Lord Seaton路1号(401和Yonge 街)The Salvation Army Yorkminster Citadel Corps 教堂举行。追悼会结束后,将在教堂附近的一家中餐馆举行招待会。
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