Julie was an AMAZING mother, daughter, sister, friend and so much more. Her fun and loving personality was unforgettable and touched so many. She loved her kids and grand kids immensely and would do anything for her family.
She made dear friends and so many fond memories during her time here on this earth. She will be so deeply missed.
Please use this page to write any memories you may have with Julie, post pictures or kind words that you would like to share in celebration of a life so beautifully lived. <3
Julie Ann Gutierrez est né(e) le October 8, 1964 à Denver , colorado (united states ) etest décédé(e) le April 9, 2020 à Wheatridge , colorado (united states ) etil (elle) est confié(e) aux soins de Olinger Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery - Highland.
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