Henry Keizo Sakaguchi, was the fifth born of ten children to Katsubei and Hisano Sakaguchi on October 31, 1920 in Henderson, Colorado. He was a World War II U.S. Army veteran of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team with the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion.
Henry is also survived by his wife Mary (Sakurai); daughter Janice and David Sechrist and grand-son Christopher of Antelope, California; son David and Joanne Sakaguchi of Thornton, Colorado; grand-daughter Katherine and Brent Thompson and great grand-son Aaden of Thornton, Colorado; grand-son Mark Sakaguchi of Torrance, California; son Keith and Wendy Sakaguchi and grand-son Justin of Honolulu, Hawaii; and daughter Judy of Westminster, Colorado. He is also survived by sisters Fujiyo Tashiro of Brighton, Colorado, Yaye Ohashi of Mililani, Hawaii, and Toshiye Kiyoi of San Diego, California and numerous nieces and nephews.