Anita GandyWife

Tawnya Martin (Roy)Daughter

Jeb MartinGrandchild

Emma MartinGrandchild

Nell BlackSister

Faith Stagner (Billy Joe)Sister

John GandyBrother

Sabrina Wilks (Buddy)Niece

BJ Stagner (Denese)Nephew

Johnny Gandy (Sherry)Nephew

Aletha DoddNiece

Chris Dodd (Debbie)Nephew

Candace Barnette (Clyde)Niece

Michelle DoddNiece

David Black (Pam)Nephew

And a host of other lovedNieces, Nephews and Family

George and Ruth GandyParents

Dosie DoddSister

Buddy BlackBrother-in-Law

Danny GandyNephew


CJ KnightPallbearer

Jimmy JohnsonPallbearer

Shane McKeePallbearer

Verne OglePallbearer

Darius StagnerPallbearer

Jeb MartinPallbearer

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