Chris Ezekiel (Mallory)Son

Bobby and Jane EzekielParents

Rhonda Robbins (Pat)Sibling

Wanda Byrd (Teddy)Sibling

Kevin Ezekiel (Stacey)Sibling

Ryker EzekielGrandchild

Maci EzekielGrandchild

NumerousNephews, Nieces and Extended Family

Lodis and Minnie EzekielPaternal Grandparents

Jim and Decie HelmMaternal Grandparents

Corey ByrdNephew

Chris KirbyBest Friend


Shane PaytonPallbearer

Reed EzekielPallbearer

Camron ByrdPallbearer

Leonard AbbottPallbearer

Billy HelmPallbearer

Myles VarnerPallbearer

Kevin EzekielHonorary Pallbearer

Teddy ByrdHonorary Pallbearer

Pat RobbinsHonorary Pallbearer

Chris BarnettHonorary Pallbearer

Tony HelmHonorary Pallbearer


Unity Presbyterian Cemetery Fund8780 Co Rd 56, Weogufka, Alabama 35183

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