Dolores Williamson (Robert)Child
Janet Verhoeve (William)Child
Anthony Martin (Peggy)Child
Karen SandersChild
Scott Martin (Julia)Child
Tammy Pennington (Ron)Grandchild
Craig HutchinsonGrandchild
Tracey Lee (Darrell)Grandchild
Amy Foster (Adam)Grandchild
Tori Verhoeve (Sean Riley)Grandchild
Kristen Miller (Brian Davis)Grandchild
Erin Sanders (Kyle Munroe)Grandchild
Michael Martin (Katherine)Grandchild
William Martin (Ashley)Grandchild
Scotland Simpkins (William)Grandchild
11Great Grandchildren
1Great Great-Grandchild
BH Hachett and Edna WhiteParents
Howard F. MartinHusband
George HatchettBrother
Oleta WhiteSister
Eunice GrahamSister
Charles HutchinsonSon-in-law
Bill SandersSon-in-law
Gideons InternationalP.O. Box 140800, Nashville, Tennessee 37214
Mignon Baptist Church in memory of Johnnie Martin