Rose HollandSister

Daniel MacDonaldBrother-in-law

Lucy WorrellSister-in-law

Lillian Marsman (Todd)Niece


Izaiah AlleyneSpecial Great Nephew

Danny LawerenceBrother

Joe WorrellBrother

Julia AlleyneSister

Shirley AlleyneSister

Elfreda MacDonaldSister

Gloria AlleyneSister

Dave HollandBrother-in-law

Dolly Desmond & Rachel CampbellBest Friends

Diana is also survived byher countless nieces and nephews who she guided over the past 94 years of her life, especially Tamara, Roslyn, Sharon, Heather, Raylene, Anna, Helena, Brian, Diana, Donald, Roy, Nancy and Christopher who was like her son.

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