Ernest BruceFather

Ruby Irene Perkins BruceMother

Anna Joyce Lounsberry BruceBeloved Wife

John BruceSon

William BruceSon

Thomas Bruceson

Theresa Ann Bruce NelsonSister

William Arthur BruceBrother

Earl BruceBrother

Ernest Eugene BruceBrother

Bess Marie BruceSister

Lauryn BruceGrandchild

Sara GeorgeGrandchild

Ashley KochGrandchild

AnnaMarie BreauxGrandchild

Joel BruceGrandchild

Hannah BruceGrandchild

Kaylin GeorgeGreat Grandchild

Emily GeorgeGreat Grandchild

Abby GeorgeGreat Grandchild

Joseph KochGreat Grandchild

Andrew KochGreat Grandchild

Caroline KochGreat Grandchild

Bruce will forever be remembered by his numerous nieces, nephews and extended family and dear friends.

Services Précédents

lundi,03 août, 2020


mardi,04 août, 2020


mardi,04 août, 2020

Funeral Service