Beloved companion and life partner of Vicki Abramson. Beloved father of Robin (Gregory) Lemasters. Greatest "Poppy" (grandfather) of CPT. Aaron Davis and Laurel (Kevin) Joyce. Loving "Poppy" (great-grandfather) of Khloe Davis and Isabella, Emma and Molly Joyce. Dear brother of Donald Wilkerson and the late Johnny Wilkerson. Former spouse of Julianne Wilkerson. Guiding light to Lisa (Sean) Leibowitz, Ross (Jenn) Meltzer and their children Bayla and Avery Leibowitz and Mackenzie and Rigby Meltzer.
Visitation Tuesday, July 18th, 11 AM at BERGER MEMORIAL CHAPEL, 9430 Olive Boulevard. Funeral service follows at 11:30 AM. Interment at Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery, 650 White Road. Memorial contributions preferred to Evelyn’s House, c/o The foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital, PO Box 790369, St. Louis, MO 63179.