Elaine and the late Charles BurtonParents

The late Lawrence RochwalskiHusband

Ryan (Vanessa)Son


Isabella, Ryan Jr, Victoria, Amani, and KalebGrandchildren

Char (Dave) AndererSister

Jerry (Cathy) BurtonBrother

The late Bob BurtonBrother

Chuck BurtonBrother

Kathy TurleySister

Sue (the late Gary) HaberlSister

Bill (Lisa) BurtonBrother

Barb BucchareSister

Linda (the late Ray) BurtonSister

Rich (Kim) BurtonBrother

Debbie GrozenskiSister

Mike (Ange) BurtonBrother

Sister in law to the late Christine. Aunt to many nieces and nephews.

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