Ercole "Bowser" VieleFather

Eileen (Nudo) VieleMother

Debra DayDaughter

Roy M. Burt, Jr.Husband

Jeff Burt (Angela)Son

Jason Griffin (Jessica)Grandchild

Ryan Griffin (Jenny)Grandchild

Heather Fargusson (Craig)Grandchild

Jarrod DayGrandchild

Adrianne TiemanGrandchild

Alexandra "Lexi" SmithGrandchild

Sylvanne MoffettSibling

Donna WoolseySibling

Dan Viele (Janice)Sibling

Jerry Burtbrother-in-law

Francine BramletSister-in-law

Jo Ann also leaves 12 great-grandchildren, seven great-great-grandchildren, and several nieces, nephews, and cousins.


Mini-O'Beirne Crisis Nursery

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