John Wesley BoyettFather
Eugenie BoyettMother
Howard V. WalkerHusband
Jerry (Roby) BryantDaughter
Colene Haston and JoelDaughter and husband
Edwin Vance Walker and MariannaSon and wife
John Howard Walker and MelindaSon and wife
Mary Ann Crum and BuddySister and husband
Garvis BoyettBrother
Herman BoyettBrother
James W. BoyettBrother
George W. BoyettBrother
Irene CranfordSister
Johnnie ChampionSister
Virginia CollinsSister
Bobbie HarmanSister
Gloria SibleySister
Huey BryantSon-in-law
Mrs. Walker also leaves behind eleven grandchildren, thirteen great-grandchildren and fifteen great-great-grandchildren.