Jose Belen Reyes Hernandez was born on October 1, 1968 in Mexico to his mother Maria De Jesus and his father J. Belen Reyes both natives of Mexico. Jose passed away on January 12, 2013 at the age of 44 years old in his residence in Panorama City, California.Funeral services for Jose Belen Reyes Hernandez are being handled by Funeraria Del Angel JT Oswald in San Fernando, California. A visitation/viewing will take place at the mortuary chapel on Saturday February 2, 2013 from 4-10 pm. Jose Belen Reyes Hernandez will be transfered to Guadalajara, Mexico on Monday February 4, 2013 where he will be received by family and transported to Jalisco, Mexico where he will be placed to rest. Jose Belen Reyes Hernandez will be missed by all his family and friends whom loved him very much.