Pernell MatechuckFather

Kayne WhitebearBrother

Eryael MatechuckSister

Stuart DustyhornGrandfather

Eliza BirdDaughter

Danielle BirdMother of his Daughter

Willa AnthonyMother

Jesse AnthonyBrother

Stuart Mosquito (Tris)Brother

Charles Jared JustinBrother

Donni Ty CoteSister

Tia WapooseyanSister

Helen MatechuckGrandmother

Leona PapequashGrandmother

Bill AnthonyGrandfather

Kathy AnthonyGrandmother

Honored Niece and Nephew Jayleigh and Justice


Syd Campeau Pallbearer

Dallas Papequash Pallbearer

Cory MachikinicPallbearer

Riley Anthony Pallbearer

Jason Papequash Pallbearer

Stuart Mosquito Honourary Pallbearer

Floyd GeddesHonorary Pallbearer

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