Charlie PennFather

Lula (Rembert) PennMother

Isaac MackHusband

LeRoy (Winnie) MackSon

Oscar (Lois) MackSon

Charles (Esther) MackSon

Austin MackSon

Marvin (Gail) MackSon

Kenneth MackSon

Lois (Johnny) GuytonDaughter

Margaret AllenDaughter

Geneva MackDaughter

Carrie (Ron) GivensDaughter

Ida B. KelleySister

Many grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren

Mary was preceded in death by her parents; husband; two daughters; three grandchildren; three brothers and ten sisters

Services Précédents

samedi,10 août, 2019


samedi,10 août, 2019

Funeral Service

samedi,10 août, 2019
