Ellen (Brooks) AlbertBeloved Wife

Charles & Pearl (Hubbard) AlbertFather and Stepmother

Hollis (Winfrey) and Wallace WigginsMother and Stepfather

Martha MaeEllen BrooksMother in Law

Carla BrooksDaughter

Kenneth and Tracie GatewoodDaughter and Son-in-law

Atley Hayden SnyderGrandson

Morgan (Joshua) Gatewood SladeGrandaughter

Kyle GatewoodGrandson

Emma GatewoodGreat Granddaughter

Linda Siler, Lawanda Sisco, Francis and Mary Ables, Dorothy and Robert SuggSisters and brothers-in-law


Alan Siler

Ellis Sugg

Kenneth Gatewood

Michael Guy

Jacob Sowell

John Sowell

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