Don Doyle passed from this life to the next on April 10, 2020. He was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on October, 3, 1933, the third or four children of John C. Doyle and Jean Roy Doyle. He joined the Army in 1956, and rose to the rank of Sergeant First Class. During his 20 years in the Army, he served a tour of duty in Korea, two tours in Vietnam, a tour in Okinawa, Japan and two tours in West Germany. He served as an artilleryman, motor-pool mechanic, Army recruiter and National Guard Liaison, among other postings. After retiring from the Army, he spent 13 years in the Federal Civil Service as a meat-cutter, and maintenance repairman at Tinker AFB.
He was as active in retirement as he was while working. He was a fixture at the Norman Senior Center, and volunteered his time there delivering meals to shut-ins. He was often found at the center, looking for ways to be of service to anyone who asked. Sometimes, he didn’t even wait for someone to ask! He was also very active at Goodrich Memorial United Methodist Church, and even though he never formally held a position in the church leadership, he was the “go-to” guy for any odd, unusual task that needed to be done around the church, so much so that the United Methodist Women elected him as an honorary UMW’er. He was also very active in the Goodrich Chronologically Gifted Group.
He was renowned for his dry, slightly twisted sense of humor.
He is pre-deceased by his parents, a brother Robert, and a sister Jeanne (Pennell). He is survived by a sister Marsha (Hedberg), his wife of 61 years Barbara, three children (Mark, Karin and Lori), three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Memorial arrangements pending.
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