Kaye LynchMother

Tyler (Savannah) PooreSon

Jake ButlerSon

Carlie (Matthew) HopsonDaughter

Solomon HopsonGrandson

Tim LynchBrother

Josh (Angela) LynchBrother

Kaylin (Derek) JohnsonNiece

Madison LynchNiece

Colin (Janie) LynchNephew

Coby LynchNephew

Austin CunninghamNephew

Baylor JohnsonGreat Niece

Stella JohnsonGreat Niece

Oliver LynchGreat Nephew

Karter RoseGreat Niece

Sue (Maynard) BrooksAunt

Wanda (Eddie) CheekAunt

Ralph LynchSweet Daddy

Pete and Bobbie SurberGrandparents

Freddy SurberUncle

Mary Jane CoxGrandmother

Jackie Ray LynchUncle

As well as a host of other family and friends.

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