Anthony AdamsFather
Marlena AdamsMother
Nathan AdamsBrother
Anthony "O.J Adams Jr.Brother
Madison AdamsSissy
Carol AdamsGrandmother
Butch Harrell and Carlene HarrellGrandparents
Dortha Windham (Camden Lowe)Grandparents
Stephanie (Brad) EdensAuntie Sissy
Gracie BaileySpecial Cousin
"His Dude" Brantley DonisonSpecial Cousin
Nick (Tiff) EdensUncle
Kyzer EdensCousin
Sandra HembreeSpecial Granny
Michelle BaileyGranny
John Dee BaileyVery special Uncle
Shannon McDanielSpecial Cousin
Joy PowellNeighbor
TheoClose furry friend, his puppy
Harold AdamsPaw
As well lots of cousins, other family and friends.
Anthony AdamsActive Pallbearer
Nathan AdamsActive Pallbearer
Nicholas EdensActive Pallbearer
Brad DonisonActive Pallbearer
Anthony "O.J." Adams, Jr.Honorary Pallbearer
Butch HarrellHonorary Pallbearer
Lance PettyHonorary Pallbearer
Shannon McDanielHonorary Pallbearer
Randall TennysonHonorary Pallbearer
Ralph "Preacher" TennysonHonorary Pallbearer