Diane MabeSibling
Jeanette Holt NoeSibling
Mike NoeSibleing
Johnny HoltSibling
Linda SnowSibling
Sue Jean MorrisetteSibling
Jimmy Dean HoltSibling
Tracy HoltSibling
Laurie PattonVery Special Dear Friend
Wright and Blanche HoltParents
Windell HoltBrother
Jackie Nicole RelfordNiece
Jessica MedranoNiece
Rev. J.C. MabeBrother-in-law
Harvey and Julie HoltGrandparents
Buster and Lethia ScarbroghGrandparents
As well as a host of nieces,nephews, other family and friends.
Jimmy Wayne MabeActive Pallbearer
Scott SprolesActive Pallbearer
Mike NoeActive Pallbearer
Jimmy Dean HoltActive Pallbearer
Josh HoltActive Pallbearer
Lonnie JordanActive Pallbearer
Marty GodseyHonorary Pallbearer
Ray MorrisetteHonorary Pallbearer
Steven SprolesHonorary Pallbearer
Jacob SprolesHonorary Pallbearer
Phillip HoltHonorary Pallbearer
Roger Dale MabeHonorary Pallbearer