Eddie ClarkHusband

Kristen (Tony) BarnwellDaughter

Hannah BarnwellGrandchild

Hunter WebbGrandchild

Morgan WebbGrandchild

Landon WebbGrandchild

Joyce StanleySister

Brenda Jean LuckadooSister

Pat CottrellSistr

Bobbie LaMoureIdentical Twin

Sharon PridemoreSister

Gary PridemoreBrother

Harry and Lucy PridemoreParents

Jason Keith WebbSon

Joshua Holden BarnwellGrandson

Carolyn Sue TothSister

Carl Thomas PridemoreBrother

Bill DavisBrother-in-law

Donald LuckadooBrother-in-law

Danny CottrellBrother-in-law

Jery LaMoureBrother-in-law

And a host of step-children, step-grandchildren,nieces, nephews, other family, and friends.

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