Clara Ross LittleMother

Con Roberts LittleFather

Katherine Little Armbrecht (William)Sister & Brother-in-law

Con Roberts Little, Jr. (Virginia and Dixie)Brother & Sister-in-laws

Mary Little Mitchell (Ferd)Sister & Brother-in-law

William Ross Little (Marcie Ann)Brother & Sister-in-law

Colleen LittleSister

Clara Hughes Little Frazer Smith (Danner and Greg)Sister & Brother-in-laws

Patsy Jeanne DeWitt LittleSpouse

patrick Ross Little (Angel)Son & Daughter-in-law

Lucille Strother Little Holmes Dees (Andy)Daughter & Son-in-law

John DeWitt Little (Marianne)Son & Daughter-in-law

Mary Hughes Little TaylorDaughter

Patsy Jeanne Little Citrin (Andy)Daughter & Son-in-law


14Great Grandchildren

Dick was preceded in death by his mother Clara Ross Little, his father Con Roberts Little and 5 siblings, Kathrine Little Armbrecht (William), Con Roberts Little, Jr. (Virginia) (Dixie), Mary Little Mitchell (Ferd), William Ross Little (Marcie Ann), Colleen Little, Clara Hughes Little Frazer Smith (Danner) (Greg). He is survived by his wife, Patsy Jeanne DeWitt Little and his 5 children, Patrick Ross Little (Angel) Lucille Strother Little Holmes Dees (Andy), John DeWitt Little (Marianne) Mary Hughes Little Taylor, and Patsy Jeanne Little Citrin (Andy), 17 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.

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